Stove Top Popcorn

Thursday, July 30, 2009

OMG.  I will NEVER go back to microwave popcorn again.

When we finished off the last of our microwave popcorn I had told Kimm that I wanted to try to make our own, homemade popcorn.  For several reasons.  First, cost.  It’s expensive to buy those individual popcorn bags.  Second, taste.  The microwave popcorn leaves a coated feeling on your tongue which is nasty.

So last night, when the urge for a snack hit us, we finally made some popcorn on the stove top.  Not only did it taste delicious, but it was fun and easy to make.

Stove Top Popcorn

Serves two


3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1/2 cup popcorn kernels

2 tablespoons butter, melted

Salt to taste

To make:

Place the three tablespoons vegetable oil in a large pot (use a 5 quart pot at least as this makes 4 quarts of popcorn).  Then add the popcorn kernels.  Mix to coat all the kernels with the oil.  Place on a medium heat.  Cover with a lid that is tilted slightly so as to allow the steam to escape, but not the popcorn as it starts to pop!  And now just wait.  In a few minutes, the kernels will begin to pop.  It’s crazy fun.  Keep the pot over the heat until you don’t hear the popcorn popping anymore or until you start to smell that the popcorn is burning!  Take off the heat and pour into a large bowl.  Pour the melted butter over and sprinkle with salt.  Stir.  Then eat.

We only had about 5 kernels that got too done.  They were easy to pick out.  And unlike microwave popcorn, there were hardly any kernels that remained unpopped.


It was finger lickin’ good.

I’m already looking forward to this weekend when I know we’ll be having more.

I know I always say this, but I’m not looking forward to work tonight.  But after tonight I will have FOUR nights off!!  Happy face.  I have to make a list of everything I want to do, because I know that even though four days seems like a lot, it will go  by way too fast.

A piece of good news:  the humidity is slowly coming down.  Thank goodness.

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 3:11 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Amazing! We have a red tabby named Madeline and she, too, thinks she’s the Queen. Oh yeah! That’s right!! She’s a feline and, true to their reputation, all our female cats have had that same illusion!!

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