
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Whew, I’m really tired tonight.  Last night at work was a busy one and while they are generally all fairly busy, some nights are just non-stop.  It probably didn’t help that one of my patients was very mean, another had a lot of anxiety and another was very confused.  Two nurses with six patients and no aide meant a lot of answering call bells.  And people think that patients sleep at night in the hospital?!

Woke up and was still tired.  Dinner was tacos (very tasty) and after took a shower and watched a Downton Abbey.  Of course now I’m feeling sleepy, but I don’t want to WASTE my night.  Hate that feeling.  Just feeling tired and blah.  I truly hope that when I wake up tomorrow I feel renewed and ready to attack the day!

Published in: on February 26, 2013 at 9:10 pm  Leave a Comment